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Bestiarius (2011)

by Douglas Jackson(Favorite Author)
3.8 of 5 Votes: 3
Ediciones B
review 1: Being a bit of a geek when it comes to all things Roman, I read Douglas Jacksons first book Caligula and thoroughly enjoyed it not just becasue of the subject but becasue it was different. Rufus the Emperors Elephant trainer is the main character and in this book he returns as the llegions invade Britain.Claudius is another very good and well written story that captivated me from the first page. It reflects some of the history that occured especially with the Emperors two week visit to Britain, where he papraded through Colchester triumphantly on an elephant.If you are interested in this topic, I have no doubt whatsoever that you would enjoy this book, the predessor and his new book about the trials of a Roman Tribune in Britian. Excellent author and story teller that stay... mores true to historic accuracy.
review 2: There's something just so indefinable about Douglas Jackson's novels that makes them so instantly readable. For want of a better way of putting it, they're are written in such a way that they just 'click' as soon as you stick your nose in.With this being the second in Jackson's Rufus series, inevitable comparisons to the preceding book in the series 'Caligula' are unavoidable. Though in a strange sort of way those comparisons actually show how awesome this sequel actually is.The previous novel was good, well written, immersive and rich in detail, it just felt that it never particularly went anywhere, whereas this book maintains that same high standard of richly detailed infectiously immersive quality and, through the injection of a wholly different situation & surroundings, ramps it up a notch clicking into top gear story-wise.Jackson as an author was practically made for a tale such as this.Obviously it may be down to cultural bias, being from Britain myself so the historical element being even more poignant, but this rapidly turned into one of those books that you find yourself having to make a conscious effort to actually STOP reading. On a number of occasions I stayed up past midnight telling myself I'd read just one more chapter, which would invariably turn into two or even three.Possibly the best facet to this book, though it might get the pedants & purists up in arms, is that even though it is the Rufus series, there is plenty of attention paid to the neurosis of the main protagonists too which only in hindsight appears to detract from Rufus. When you're reading the book however, you'll be so caught up in the action and intrigue that you won't actually notice. It's definately less The Rufus Show than Caligula though anyone who dares complain about that simply doesn't appreciate good literature when the focus is so expertly moved around, almost as though the author is toying with you.Arguably one of the finest though not instantly obvious thing about this book is that while it's part of a series, and harks back certain facts to that book, it works as well as a standalone novel meaning that the casual reader doesn't need to have read Caligula to instantly slot into the mindset of Rufus.It feels a little harsh only giving this a 4 out of 5 when it was such a rollicking good read but I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to giving ANYTHING 5 out of 5. If I could mark this 4.5 out of 5 I would do in an instant. less
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Entertaining way to bring in the conquest of Britain-an animal trainer with Claudius' elephants
well it was an okay book, but calling it Claudius is stretch and a long one at that.
Great read, it kept me there till the end
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