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The Mystery Of Marie Rogêt (1901)

by Edgar Allan Poe(Favorite Author)
3.17 of 5 Votes: 5
C. Auguste Dupin
review 1: This book/story I don't remember at all even though when I was in high school I read every Edgar Allen Poe I could get my hands on. There's one scene where the detective is telling Dupin for 7-8 hrs what he thinks happened and Dupin, wearing his colored eye glasses, is asleep. There is a point where Dupin goes on and on and on and on about the dress, the boat, the whatever that I'm sure I would have been asleep through too. I didn't enjoy this very much.
review 2: This is the second in the Auguste Dupin detective series by Poe that I am going through and sadly less well written than the original. Though the mystery follows a real life murder mystery in the U.S. that Poe has mirrored and placed in France, it sadly falls flat in writing style. I will say tha
... moret like Arthur Conan Doyle, Poe seems to have shown an interest in solving real life crimes in his personal time and this story was his offer of a solution which gives some very good arguments. Unfortunately, some of the arguments make little sense and contradict themselves, and Dupin talks so much and so wordily throughout the whole of the story that I several times lost his train of thought and got frustrated. The combination of extremely long run-on sentences and Poe/Dupin's tendency to say in 2 pages what could be said in a paragraph try the reader's patience and make one wonder whether he was paid by the word. Still, on the basis of a possible solution to the murder, he does appear to have put forth a well thought out argument that may well have been the solution to the crime. An interesting though difficult read. less
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Very very boring. At the end I still didn't know what had happened.
Utterly pointless. Crashingly boring. Clunkingly written.
Dragged a little more than Rue Morgue, but still good.
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