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The Breakers Series: Books 1-3 (2013)

by Edward W. Robertson(Favorite Author)
3.75 of 5 Votes: 5
Edward W. Robertson
review 1: As with so many freebies, this is actually decent writing in desperate need of decent editing. It feels a couple of rewrites away from actually being quite good. Book one uses two protagonists in alternating chapters, following independent stories that inevitably intertwine. Not startling, but structurally solid enough. The problem is that the two stories are basically asynchronous - the chronology doesn't match. Irritating early on, a much more serious problem as the threads draw together. The characters aren't that well written - they're more caricatures - but they do move the plot forward nicely. They haven't really got the depth to do anything else. Book two goes right back to the beginning and does exactly the same thing with different, equally one-dimensional chara... morecters. The chronology problem is still there, accompanied by a certain recklessness with punctuation. Now we don't just need an editor; we need a proofreader too. This book infills some detail, and extends the story beyond the initial apocalypse, but it doesn't really do much beyond the scope of the first book.Book three picks up after the events of the first two. It sticks to the same structure; it's all beginning to feel a bit formulaic, a bit lazy. As if to highlight the point, the number of typos increases, and it's not just the punctuation that's got a bit lax. It's all a bit Mad Max now. Robertson's vision isn't blisteringly original but it's rich, detailed and entertaining. The writing is competent but lacks real polish.This is one of the best freebies I've downloaded. Which is why I don't download freebies anymore.
review 2: The Breakers Series by Edward W. Robertson is an absolutely captivating, original, character-filled, compelling post-apocalyptic tale. The world building is detailed, so believable as to be completely transparent and absorbing. The logic of what has happened to end the world (a plague) fits together nicely, with no wrong steps or weird missing facts. It is chillingly realistic. Then, each book in the series introduces a new set of characters and follows them as they navigate through the apocalyptic world. Mr Robertson has a knack for showing his characters as deeply flawed people, but leading the reader to come to understand and respect (if not like) them -- even the most socially retarded and selfish ones. Each book concentrates upon several of these characters, but is filled with interesting secondary characters who are also well drawn out and multi-dimensional. And, in what I considered a bonus gift, characters from the earlier novels appear or are referenced in later books. This constant weaving together threads from different novels reinforces the overall story (of a world collapsed, with survivors fighting for their lives) and somehow makes it more believable and real. I hope that Mr. Robertson will continue writing these books forever and ever. If you haven't discovered this series yet you are in for a treat. Start at the beginning so you can experience the complete story fully. Then join me in asking for more books in the series!Book 1, Breakers, is told from the viewpoint of Walt (in NY) and Raymond and Mia (California). Walt goes on a long road trip and ends up meeting up with Mia, Raymond, and some other notable characters including Otto.Book 2, Meltdown, introduces us to Tristan & her little brother as well as Ness and his big brother. Tristan and Ness shared the common trait of being completely unlikely pre-apocalypse, and both matured and came into their own once they were faced with events. Excellent continuation of the story.Book 3, Knifepoint, is my favorite in the series. Raina, the teenage heroine who grew up on her own in a post-apocalyptic world, is absolutely flawed and dysfunctional and fascinating. And deadly. She learns how to survive from dogs and rats, and applies those lessons to people when she finally rejoins society. We also get to see Walt from Book 1 which is a real treat. less
Reviews (see all)
Started out excited about this one but drug on and on and on....
Entertaining and easy to read.
Good post-apocalyptic stuff.
Entertaining enough.
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