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Small-Space Container Gardens: Transform Your Balcony, Porch, Or Patio With Fruits, Flowers, Foliage, And Herbs (2012)

by Fern Richardson(Favorite Author)
3.43 of 5 Votes: 4
1604692413 (ISBN13: 9781604692419)
Timber Press
review 1: I won a copy of this book, and while I did like it, there were a couple things that bugged me. The page formatting was a bit weird, with some pages having text on only one half, leaving the other half completely blank. The second thing that bugged me was the lack of photos. Don't get me wrong, there were a lot of great photos of beautiful plants and arrangements, but I wanted to see what all the plants being described actually looked like without having to put the book down and look online for a photo. I just think more pictures (even just small ones next to the lists of plant suggestions for particular garden styles) would have greatly improved my enjoyment of the book. With that said however, there was a lot of good info, good ideas and diagrams for garden plans, some fu... moren DIY projects that I'll be trying, and what pictures there were gave me lots of inspiration for some new pot arrangements for my own balcony garden. So I did enjoy it, but would not have bought it for myself at full price.
review 2: very easy to read with good instructions on how to create a beautiful retreat in a very small space. i loved the pictures and examples (i only got to see black and white due to my nook not being color). i especially loved the how to's on creating unique and wonderful containers. a nice way to jazz up the cheap tan terra cotta that covers my garden now. the deseases and bug sections are a bit small, but that doesn't detract from the book. if i have a really bad plant problem, i'm probably going to a different book to solve it anyway. less
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A great book! I'm now super-inspired to get out on my patio and turn it into a little garden oasis.
Great book with practical tips. Reviewed on my blog at PM27's blog, WordPress.
The large font bugged me... beautiful pictures though!
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