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Château De Sable (2010)

by Frederik Peeters(Favorite Author)
3.7 of 5 Votes: 1
2940329729 (ISBN13: 9782940329724)
review 1: One of the best science fiction short stories I've read in a long time. Comparable to Ray Bradbury at points in the eerie simplicity of it's terrifying circumstance. Great character development and the artwork is simple yet poignant and captures great facial reactions. Well worth the read and as with other titles from the publisher Self Made Hero it comes in a beautiful hard cover edition that really allows the art to shine.
review 2: An assortment of people visit a secluded beach, only to find they cannot leave, as well as some other weirdnesses. An engrossing little tale - the mystery elements really take a back seat to the protrayal of how a disparate group of people cope in a crisis - as such it is of a similar genre to entertainments such as Lost and I'm s
... moreure many others. To be honest, I would rather the mystery had been emphasised a little more, shifting it more toward Picnic At Hanging Rock territory. As it is, I found it a touch mundane and ultimately a bit unsatisfying. Worth a reread though, and I like Peeters' art, so I'll push it up to a 4. less
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Nice lil sci-fi read. Creepy and cool story and fantastic illustrations.
Creepy, mysterious and beautifully drawn.
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