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The Twelve Days Of Randy (2010)

by Heidi Cullinan(Favorite Author)
3.76 of 5 Votes: 3
Heidi Cullinan
review 1: Meh. One of the things I love about the "Special Delivery" series is the debauchery and awesome dirty sex. That was totally missing here.I mean, hell, I was really looking forward to some naughty elf action with Sam and Mitch, and it just...didn't happen. Instead the storyline was filled with angst...and not good angst, either.I have to say, I was disappointed, more so as I had been especially looking forward to this.
review 2: 3.5 StarsChristmas has never been my favorite holiday. In fact, my feelings about it kind of mirror Randy's at about day 6 of his shenanigans. None the less, this was a short and highly entertaining read. Crabtree just can't help himself when it comes to needling Ethan in regard to Randy. Crabtree is the only person that Randy has sl
... moreept with in the past that Ethan feels any jealousy toward and Crabtree loves to poke at him about it. And, not really helping, is that in years past, Randy was pretty much the entertainment at the company Christmas party, so there are expectations there.Oh, some of the antics in this story just made me laugh. And sometimes cringe. Oh, Randy.Definitely enjoyable and recommended for fans of this series. less
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seriously. I. LOVE. Randy & Ethan. that is all.
A cute short story after Double Blind.
A great free christmas read
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