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Fever Pitch (2014)

by Heidi Cullinan(Favorite Author)
4.27 of 5 Votes: 4
Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
Love Lessons
review 1: OMG! Ironically enough, at 50% I was thinking that this was my least favorite book in this series. I had notes supporting my reasons for not liking it as well as books #1 & #2. HA! The joke was certainly on me. I've now written out two quotes from this book that have left me speechless.... I cannot share them here. Will not spoil the impact of reading them for yourself at the proper time in the story. My GRs friends know that my life revolves around music and books. Ms. Cullinan has now managed to blend those two loves together beautifully. This is a must read, everyone should read this.
review 2: I liked this book. Actually, I LOVED the first half, up until Aaron and Giles admitted their feelings for each other. After that I thought it lost a little st
... moreeam, but I still enjoyed the read.Aaron's an interesting character. He has everything a high school guy could want - good looks, money, and popular friends - yet he's miserable. The best thing that happens to him his whole senior year occurs as he's drinking away the birthday blues, hiding in the laundry room at a party he didn't want to go to in the first place.Giles stumbles into that laundry room to get away from some party goers who want to play a violent version of smear the queer. He's at the opposite end of high school food chain, but he's kind to Aaron. They escape the party, and one thing leads to another. Then Aaron's revelation crashes hard into Giles' expectations and drives a wedge between them.They spend the next half of the book overcoming their epic false-start. This is where I think the book works best. Ms. Cullinan does a fabulous job of capturing the uncertainty and excitement of your first semester at college. I loved the way both Aaron and Giles found their own circle of friends, and how those circles came to overlap felt very natural to me.I also liked the way both characters experienced making music. I'm a choir geek from way back, and more often than not the way music and musicians get handled in novels hits a big flat note for me. With Fever Pitch, I totally bought into how talented both Aaron & Giles were, and I loved that their musical collaboration became the foundation for their relationship.So...what didn't work as well for me? I thought the parents were a little extreme. Aaron's parents were ALL BAD, and Giles' parents were ALL GOOD. As the main characters became more caught up in the conflict created by Aaron's parents, the believability factor decreased for me.I could also have done without the whole subplot involving Aaron's roommate, Elijah. Granted, without Elijah the big final showdown would change significantly, but I found him to be a generally unappealing character. Maybe my attitude will change if he turns up as the star in Love Lessons #3.Overall I enjoyed Fever Pitch, and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys stories that capture the intensity of college life, or people who like Glee and Pitch Perfect, or hopeless romantics, or...I was given a copy of Fever Pitch by the publisher in return for an honest review. less
Reviews (see all)
This book is not perfect, but I fucking loved every inch of it - even the parts that frustrated me!
I don't know how this couldn't be a 5 star. Loved it.
pre-ordered 20 sept
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