Cold as a witch’s bosom in a cast-iron bra

If you happen to be a witch, please take no offense. I love Witches, Pagans, Wiccans, and pretty much everybody. I know you don’t wear a cast-iron bra.

Now that we have that out of the way, it is freaking cold outside. It’s currently 11 F (-11.6 C), and it’s been below freezing all week. I had intended to run six miles this morning. The searing cold air that I had to suck down my lungs quickly changed my mind. I cut it off at one, and that was quite unpleasant.

Luckily we have just a couple of more days of sub-freezing temperatures to endure, and then things will get back to something a little more tolerable. The forecast says that it will even be in the 60’s for a couple of days next week. I plan on seizing the opportunity to kick the shoes off and get some much needed barefoot time in.

Denice and I were up kind of late last night. She’s sleeping in, so I am sitting here quietly blogging and watching The Punisher on Netflix. If you haven’t seen The Punisher, you should. It is exceptional. Netflix has been hitting some home runs with their original shows. I’ve heard really good things about the new season of Black Mirror too. I’m going to start on it when I get done with The Punisher.

Let’s see, what else… Oh, I’ve started a new book. I am reading Christopher McDougall’s book, Natural Born Heros. This book is about the resistance fighters on the island of Crete, during World War 2. These guys did seemingly superhuman feats of strength and endurance to stop the Nazi occupation of their island. McDougall draws on their stories and the stories of others to introduce the reader to what he calls, “The lost art of the Hero.” I’m just a few chapters in, but just like Born to Run, it has the makings of a great adventure story. BTR is the book that really helped me to believe that I am capable of so much more than I had previously thought, and this new book has the exact same vibe.

Another thing that I have started doing this week is attempting to impose some measure of self-control with my social media usage. I have begun to take notice of myself when using Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and the like. I exhibit all the classic signs of a person with an addiction, compulsively checking and scrolling and looking for that next dopamine hit. And the amount of time that I waste on these platforms is obscene. I want to be able to use these ‘tools’ without them using me. So, I have decided to limit the amount of time that I spend on them. I have dedicated no more than fifteen minutes a day to check, respond, and post to all my social media feeds. No more mindless scrolling. I have a handful of people that I follow. I have set up my feeds to display only their content. I will still use Reddit to check in on the state of the world, but only the front page of my subs, and popular. I figure that anything worth knowing about will still be on the front page when I check it. So, with that said, if you need to contact me your best bet @erickeVolved on Twitter. I will see it inside of 24 hours. I suggest this course of action for everyone. This compulsive approval seeking weakness if universal in us primates, and it would be prudent to recognize this and take measures to guard ourselves against manipulation.

That’s all for now, my friends. Until next time.

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