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The Plagiarist (2011)

by Hugh Howey(Favorite Author)
3.98 of 5 Votes: 5
Broad Reach Publishing
review 1: My main problem is that it's too short! This premise holds so much potential, so many possibilities. It is great for what it is though - a philosophical exercise in a sci-fi setting. At first I was upset that the main character couldn't see what was coming as well as I could, but then I realized that it only added another layer to the exercise. I found this novella much more thought provoking than other noted philosophical works. Well done!
review 2: This was a fun quick read from a writer that I'm very quickly becoming a fan of. I'm only giving this 4 stars because I worked out the conclusion at a bit past the half-way point. His Wool series is definitely the best. This should appeal to anyone who enjoys golden-age science fiction like the novelettes in 1950s
... moreand 1960s book-sized magazines, because while his books are not set in that time period and while they do deal with modern technological themes, they definitely recall that style of thinking. less
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Great little novella... Quick enjoyable read with fun twists!
Very thought provoking short story. Well done, Mr. Howey.
A great short story with a truly horrifying conclusion
Reminded me a lot of the movie 'the 13th floor'
Short short novella, but clever concept.
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