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God's Amazing Grace (2011)

by J. Bennett Collins(Favorite Author)
3.95 of 5 Votes: 5
J. Bennett Collins
review 1: I was struggling with it in the beginning and kept losing interest and having to reread some parts because of that loss of interest but once I did tune in to the book I was able to get something out of it that was much needed for what I am dealing with right now.For me, it was just an okay read. I would suggest to anyone who wants just a quick read and hopefully get a little something out of it, but I wouldn't put a high recommendation on it and will tell you to get out of it what you can. I think I got out of this little e-book I needed to get out of it & to help me push forward a little bit in my walk with the Most High & to know His grace is always there, even if we don't see/feel it...To just hold on to your faith & believe He will answer you when he needs to.And I als... moreo learned that there is a difference between GRACE & PITY. And he gives a great example in the book...But you will have to read it to see what it is! :-)
review 2: There is only one thing worse than religious delusion and that is when that religious delusion extends to inflicting it on others. This is what "Gods amazing grace" does in spades.Its author is clearly preachy (fair enough), pitiful and well sick in the noggin.My favorite amongst the gems:"If you would take the morphine and other drugs away from people who are dying in our hospitals today and leave them to die naturally, you would hear some who would say "Praise God" or even hear " I see angels".I`m sure some deluded xians might grit their remaining teeth and utter such nonsense on their death bed, but the vast majority of us would be screaming for your public execution for removing the morphine Mr Collins."Then you would hear others who would scream and say "Pull my feet out of the fire. I am going to hell"Maybe the effects of morphine deprivation would illicit such outbursts but otherwise lets be honest, its a decidedly unlikely utterance for a dying person wouldn't you say? Besides, imagine the look of horror on little johnnies face when his dad starts roasting in some holy fire at the end of his hospital bed."I promise you that whenever you receive gods grace for salvation, you will have gods dying grace when that time comes. You do not need to fear death" Mr Collins, just give us the frikken morphine and move along to the crazy patch please.This book is full of similar twaddle, unrealistic promises and fantastical claims about what this alleged god will and will not do to you depending on what you will or will not do for him.A difficult read for an atheist to be sure but one should certainly read both sides of the debate. After reading these fantasies though, I always come back to the quote - I think its Carl Sagan's:" One should always keep an open mind, but not so open that your brain falls out" less
Reviews (see all)
Quick read. Thoroughly enjoyed the author's message and thoughts on God's grace.
Very well written book that explains how the Amazing Grace of God is.
This was quite good and I really enjoyed the content and message.
Rated 4 because I wish there would have been more
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