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Sisters Red (2010)

by Jackson Pearce(Favorite Author)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 4
0316068683 (ISBN13: 9780316068680)
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Fairytale Retellings
review 1: I really enjoyed this book until I got about two thirds of the way through it. The story is nice enough and I enjoyed the characters however, without giving anything away, the progression of the story just seemed to completely stop moving forward and the ending was especially dissapointing leaving a lot of the story irrelevant. Saying that, it is just your typical teen fiction book, which despite nearly being twenty two I am not ashamed to say I still enjoy. They are an easy read and never too complex and so easy to enjoy, and with that in mind, it does exactly what it is meant to. Simple, nice story, but don't expect too much.
review 2: I enjoyed this book. I think the characters were interesting and well thought out, and it had some interesting twists. I will
... more continue to read the rest of the series (though, to my knowledge, it's not a continuation of these characters in the next books, but new characters in a similar "fairy tales retold" setting), however I think I will take a break from the paranormal before doing so as I'm finding myself bored of the genre in general. less
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Een nieuwe kijk op roodkapje naar voor de rest viel het tegen. Ik had er meer van verwacht.
This book was an okay read. The epilogue though was unnecessary.
a little predictable but sweet.
3.5 stars
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