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The Sabbides Secret Baby (2010)

by Jacqueline Baird(Favorite Author)
3.51 of 5 Votes: 2
0373129556 (ISBN13: 9780373129553)
review 1: Naive Phoebe Brown fell for Mediterranean magnate Jed Sabbides after he wined, dined and bedded her with a fervor that made her feel cherished. But when Phoebe happily announced she was pregnant, Jed was appalled. Didn't she understand--she was only a pleasing distraction? Sadly Phoebe lost the man she loved, and her baby....So it is with disbelief that, years later, Jed discovers Phoebe has a little boy...who looks just like him!(less) Paperback, 192 pages Published October 19th 2010 by Harlequin (first published September 1st 2010)
review 2: Sem CompromissoJacqueline BairdH. Paixão 2062011Apesar do mocinho, ser grego, arrogante e possessivo, gostei da estória. A mocinha teve personalidade, mesmo estando completamente apaixonada pelo grego prepotente, ela o
... moredeixou. E o dito cujo sofreu por ser um completo idiota. Me sinto extremamente reconfortada pela atitude da mocinha. E posso dizer que este livro é uma exceção a regra. Pois, normalmente acho os livros com gregos chatíssimos, e este não foi. Muito bem, por isso das 3 estrelinhas, merecidas. Kkk... less
Reviews (see all)
it was meh! The way he suddenly found out he loves her and is now frightened, that was too fast.
This book was disappointing compared to the other romances I've read lately.
phoebe is such a doormat and jed is too arrogant for my taste.
it was a great story. very elaborate and intense.
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