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Last Woman (2000)

by Jacqueline Druga(Favorite Author)
3.66 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Absolutely enjoyed this book. I loved how much the human aspect was portrayed from loss to anger, fear to relief. I felt for every character. Each one had a story that drew you closer to them not only as a reader but as a human being. It made you ask yourself if you would or could have done the same thing and kept on going. Faye wakes up after being in an alcohol induced coma and thought as dead to a desolate and deserted city. Left for dead under a pile of corpses after a wave of a very aggressive flu virus wipes out the population. She believes she is the last person on earth. Soon she discovers that she's not alone when she meets Dodge who was also left for dead in a nearby prison. Both survivors of this horrible disease, she saves him from the locked prison ward. Faye... more and Dodge realize they can and need to rely on each other. Faye for security and Dodge for solace and hope. Together they travel onward and forward returning home to try to find family, other survivors, and focus in order to hopefully begin again. I recommend this if you like reading apocalyptic fiction, but want something other than a zombie related story.
review 2: So, I don't typically take the time to write reviews, but I feel like I need to justify this one.Starting off, it was a great story. The detail was impressive and I was really caught up in the plot. However, as a tad more, I noticed more soft spots. Not necessarily plot holes, just areas that seemed rushed or could have been crafted a bit better. I was surprised by the amount spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Personally, I think the plot idea was wonderful and worth for stars. It was the writing mechanics that really dropped the rating down in my opinion. I hope the author keeps writing about Faye and considers utilizing a professional editor. less
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The story was good so I didn't mind the mistakes in grammar too much, but there were quite a few.
Thank god this is short. Good premise, painful writing.
3.5 for me.
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