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Adèle Blanc-Sec Volume 1 (2010)

by Jacques Tardi(Favorite Author)
3.38 of 5 Votes: 3
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review 1: I enjoyed the comic, although I had to piece it together from its first US printings in anthologies and it took me a couple years to do it. Tardi's work is old school mastery of the ink and compelling characters. Storywise, it borders on the confusing as to who is doing what for what purpose, but it all becomes clear in the end. By the way, my kid loved the movie based on this comic and I recommend it as well.
review 2: The art is gorgeous, and it is packed with fun ideas, but the writing is a mess. Tons of exposition, and yet the storytelling is muddy and confusing. Lots of stuff happens, and much of it is conceptually cool, but it is difficult to really care about any of it as there is little to no focus. Everyone just kind of runs around and does stuff
... more, mostly getting killed in the process. The results are tons of disposable characters (that look remarkably similar) that just kind of randomly appear. Quite disappointing. less
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I liked the art more than the story, which seemed unnecessarily convoluted. Overall meh.
I suspect this is one of those series that will grow on me as I read on.
A bit hard to follow, but entertaining. Great artwork.
King Library (2nd floor) | PN6747.T374 P83 2010
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