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This book as you may expect has a missing Thursday - the real one. Consequently, the narrator is not Thursday but written Thursday. It was interesting to read from a slightly different perspective in that written is trying to emulate real and a lot of thinking goes into her trying to be real and herself at the same time. Mainly taking place in a reorganized BookWorld we get glimpses of real world characters and yet only glimpses of old BookWorld friends too. This is really about written Thursday and her world and of course an impending apocalypse. I enjoyed but it wasn't my favorite entry. I am hoping that 7 and 8 will be better otherwise I think maybe we should have stopped after 4.
As usual mr fforde does a remarkable job of mining literature and occassionally popular culture for innumerable references to bolster his plot. And what's not to like about adding epizeuxis to ones vocabulary? Ok-- repetition for dramatic effect. Thursday is missing-- or not. Who's to know? But there are important mysteries in book world that only some Thursday somewhere can untangle. Frequent snickers interspersed with giggles and snorts take one through the usual ingenious tangled events. And I'm not even English. Bet a book loving British reader could find even more amusing references. Such fun!! Please keep at it mr fforde.
Must read series for serious readers who also happen to like aburdist fantasies.
I liked this one a lot better than I thought I would.
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