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Wyznaję (2011)

by Jaume Cabré(Favorite Author)
4.28 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: am cumpărat cartea asta dintr'o librărie aproape de peron. așteptam pe cineva și ajunsesem prea devreme... Nu știu dacă am ales'o după cum arăta cartea.. Țin minte că am deschis'o și am citit la întîmplare o careva pagină. Atunci mi-am dat seama că mă absoarbe cu tot cu suflet. A fost o provocare să o citesc pentru că Jaume Cabre a băgat în fiecare pagină o doză concentrată de noțiuni, filosofie, istorie, artă, literatură.. și etc etc etc. E una din cele mai bune cărți pe care le-am citit. O recomand cu sufletul deshis.
review 2: I must be on a streak of mind-blowingly good novels recently.I can't even begin to describe what the book is about let alone how it is written. Imagine 4 characters, 2 languages, three different ways of na
... morerrating (1st person, 3rd person, memoirs)all seamlessly presented on one page. Dialogues intertwine with no clear identification who is speaking or which of many many stories they pertain to. Sounds complex and it definitely is. Multiple plotlines and drastic changes of scenery and characters with no visible breaks in the wall of text in theory should make this novel an incomprehensible artistic experiment but somehow the flow and the pacing guide you through those streams of thoughts.THe first half is very demanding and might be off-putting for many. I don't blame them but I've never seen such poetic craftsmanship as the one presented by Cabre. The second half is where it all comes together. Slowly, with no haste while at the same time dazzling the reader with another clever twists and stylistic surprises.On top of that it's a genuinely moving and interesting story encompassing multiple generations. There's also one theme that becomes apparent at the very end that I personally hold dear and always find hard to read through because it affects me so profoundly.If you're not afraid of jumping into the unknown - go for it. less
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Llibre molt complex, al que m'ha costat entrar; però quan ho he fet l'he disfrutant tantíssim.
El millor que he llegit des del Ulysses de Joyce
Sans mots je suis. Chef d'oeuvre!
Amazing book !!
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