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The Chase, Volume 1 (2000)

by Jessica Wood(Favorite Author)
3.76 of 5 Votes: 3
The Chase
review 1: Well Dean is a very open person. He holds nothing back at all. I am gathering he is mouth watering sexy because it never really says anything about his looks. He loves the ladies and makes it very known. He is the ultimate player and he is a lawyer. Then along comes Blair Parker. She is slowly melting away at him. She is making him want things he never did before. When he thinks things are at a high with Blair a monkey wrench gets thrown in the game. Can't wait to see what happens next.
review 2: Wow! What a great opening to a book. From the very beginning I was hooked.Dean Chase, for all intents and purposes, is a douche and the term 'player' is an understatement when describing him. He definitely believes no woman can resist him and the men want to be him, b
... moreut boy does he meet his match when he is floored to his very core by a mystery woman.I really don't want to mention much about the story or the characters for that matter, because I really hope readers experience the WTF moment I had. Technically I should have worked it out, but I'm so glad I didn't because it was for me a great read.Yes, this is a novella that is told in the first person narrative and all from Deans point of view, which actually makes this a very funny read and I believe the series will continue with each book being a small novella, but I do think the saying 'less is more' is definitely true in this case.I will finish by saying I need book 2 yesterday, because this is most certainly not your average romance of the alpha male and damsel in distress variety. less
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3.5 y si, nos dejo en el mejor momento del libro!!!!!
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