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Tagebuch Der Apokalypse 3 : Roman (2012)

by J.L. Bourne(Favorite Author)
3.69 of 5 Votes: 1
3453436334 (ISBN13: 9783453436336)
Heyne, W
Day by Day Armageddon
review 1: Two stars might be a little low for this. But the shift in writing style and changing the protagonists name was kind of jarring. I understand that Bourne probably wanted to expand the story. Which is fine, but why not just start fresh?The pacing was pretty good (in the beginning and middle) and it was a pretty easy read. I've seen others on here complain about some of the plot points, saying that things got too absurd and it took them out of the story. I will agree that I was somewhat disappointed as well, but I don't know what people expect out of a zombie thriller novel. Some of the plot points did take away from the "gritty realism" but at the same time it added some fresh excitement as well. One real gripe I had with this was the ending. Not the way it ended or ... moreanything, but it seemed like it was just thrown together real quick. Almost like Bourne knew how he wanted it to end, but didn't have the time to flesh it out. Maybe he hit a deadline or writers block but it was unsatisfying. I guess two stars is about right.
review 2: Having read the first two books I could tell this author would be a new favorite. I read both the previous books in single settings and right away paid the full MSRP price for Shattered Hourglass which is something I rarely do because I am a cheapo and know somewhere out there the book is on amazon or ebay for $1 with 3.99 shipping.But I hate this book.. its terrible. What made the first two novels great were the following through a diary of a single persons struggle. Every page you would turn would be new excitement as with all diaries only the important details were included which made for fast and excited reading.None of that is here.. I think the author has let all the "You are so great" and pampering from the publisher go to his head. He completely left his original formula of a single mans struggle and has now come up with a very bland zombie book. There is no diary, there is no cool hand written notes or pictures as were included with the first to books to add to the ambiance. This time around the main hero from the previous two books is just a side character and he is now telling the story of about 3 different groups of people, all rather boring, all have a boring back story and unlike the original Hero who you have built a relationship with over the course of the first two books, these new offshoot stories have no connection and you find yourself not caring and saying "ok is the next chapter going to have the original guy in it?".What makes it even worse is the story is just bland as hell.. Ok you went all indiana jones and the crystal skull with us by saying aliens brought the zombie disease.. But how could the author make it so boring? Chapter after chapter is just talking about Fixing "communication problems" on a aircraft carrier, or the 3 chapters of talking about how depressing and boring the Submarine is for our hero and his companion.(The author literally talks about him jogging and working out on the sub and attending meetings we have already been told the purpose of several times). The boring does not end there in this slow paced book, there are also many chapters dedicated to a team in the arctic repelling down a cliff and going back up.. You quickly forget this is a zombie apoc book and start skipping whole paragraphs, pages and eventually chapters to try and find the good stuff. I am at page 128 and have to say I have not reached the good stuff. Its taken me 4 days to get to this point, had this book even had 1/10th of what the original two novels had, I would already be done with it in a single setting.I am tossing this book out, keeping the previous two and making up my own story for the hero in my head.. a GOOD ending. I really think this upcoming author let the fame go to his head and instead of doing what everyone loved, he tried something different and failed. Pay no attention to the good ratings of this book, like most authors or celebrities or sports stars, they have a following who acts as if they can do no wrong.This book was such a let down and I intend to give it one more hour of decent reading before I give up on it.JL Bourne.. Please please please pull your head out of your *** and return this to the original heroes diary or at least stop using "We are trying to repair communications" as filler for 4+ chapters..1 out of 5 stars, its a solid one. less
Reviews (see all)
Wonderful series, well written, highly recommended!
Pretty good end to the zombie trilogy.
Weak compared to the first two books.
wth format completely changed
Loved it. Please write more.
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