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La Clessidra Infranta (2013)

by J.L. Bourne(Favorite Author)
3.69 of 5 Votes: 5
8863552037 (ISBN13: 9788863552034)
Multiplayer.it Edizioni
Day by Day Armageddon
review 1: I was very disappointed when I read this book. I loved the first 2 books in the series, but I couldn't even make it through this whole book. I stopped about 2/3 of the way in and ended up just reading the epilogue to know what happened. The story was very slow going and jumped all over the place. It was also extremely repetitive. The authour would stop the main story line to add in a paragraph of information that was pointless to the story and then reiterate what had been said before going off topic. This happened constantly, and is the main reason I didn't enjoy the book.Although it did have most of the original characters, I didn't find them to be as likable, and most of the new characters were very irritating.There was a lot more descriptions of different types of guns ... moreand equipment than there was in the first 2 books, that it made it feel as though the authour was just trying to take up space.Obviously, I wouldn't read this again, or try to finish it. But its also a book I would not recommend to anyone I know.
review 2: This book is a bit of a paradox, and reads a bit like a fun book mashed with a brain dead stupid conspiracy book. Like the earlier books in the series, this book is very strong when it comes to describing details about encounters with zombies and how the main characters escape them. There really are some very fun, scary set pieces here. The trouble comes elsewhere. First, this is the first book in the series in which the narrative is not in the form of first person journal entries, but instead is narrated from multiple points of view, often in third person omniscient. That causes problems with immediacy right there. I don't really object with making the narrative bigger, but I wish it had been done better, and I wish things had pulled together better. As it is, it just doesn't all fit. The real damage, however, comes from the inclusion of "Remote Six" as essentially a right wing paranoiac's dream come true. The organization is never fully explained, and is run by a guy who is simply evil with no real motive. That gets really disturbing as little right wing things about gun laws, "Constitutional values" and so on start creeping in. I have no problem with a writer I enjoy having different political views than I do, but, really, keep the fringe stuff out of the books, especially when it highlights the poor conception of a bad guy. Oh, and then there are aliens. And an end that makes no sense. And biology that makes no sense. And a sentient computer. Seriously, at times it seems that Bourne didn't know how to end what had been a great series, and just threw everything he could think of at it. I don't doubt his talent, but this is not a good book by any means. Very disappointed. less
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Ya casi lo termino... ¡Muy bueno en verdad! :)Una trilogía muy interesante.
Bourne should have stuck with the journal format.
Solid continuation of a very good series
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