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Locke & Key, Volume 2: Head Games (2009)

by Joe Hill(Favorite Author)
4.5 of 5 Votes: 5
1600104835 (ISBN13: 9781600104831)
IDW Publishing
Locke & Key
review 1: Just read the whole Lock and Key graphic novel series by Joe Hill, Stephen King's son. Joe is always solid, but never outstanding. Clean, competent writing, but not really a distinct style. He seems to start with a great premise, keeps it interesting as he runs through the developments, and then always ends on a weaker note. This is no different, although the high quality art thanks to Gabriel Rodriguez really takes it a step further than his usual fare.
review 2: This was 100x better than the first volume and it picks off right where the first volume ended. I felt this had more action, mystery, and felt at the edge of my seat when it comes to the villain of this series. I cannot wait to read more! There's not much for me to say except that I only care about th
... moree little boy and forget about his other siblings. I cannot wait to discover more keys that are hiding in the house! less
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Dark, twisted, and it ends in despair -- like so many second chapters of a saga do.
Good. Very interesting plot. First was better. Will read the next.
Second verse same as the first.
Better than the first vol. :D
I want a head key!
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