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Rebels Of The Kasbah (2014)

by Joe O'Neill(Favorite Author)
4.52 of 5 Votes: 2
0985196947 (ISBN13: 9780985196943)
Black Ship Publishing
The Red Hand Adventures
review 1: I loved this book, and so did my 10-year-old daughter. Author Joe O'Neill weaves an exciting historical adventure that kept us turning the pages.My daughter stayed up half the night reading! We particularly loved the presence of strong female characters, which are not always included in middle grade/YA adventure stories. Joe nails it with independent Margaret and the steely resolve of Zijuan. This is a great book for the reluctant reader because the story is so absorbing kids will forget they are reading. Loved it! Can't wait for the next installment in The Red Hand Adventures!!
review 2: I got this book through the goodreads first read program. Reading a kids book sometimes brings a touch of sadness to me. I remember being a kid myself, going to see Star Wars
... more and Indiana Jones at the cinema or reading adventure novels and the sheer joy of being involved in the stories. Something that does not happen so much as a adult,with finding little plot holes or shaking my head at scenes that in my eyes could never happen. As a kid these thoughts never happened,there was never a need to suspend disbelief since disbelief just did not exist, everything was possible. I see it in my 5 year old niece, be she watching a movie, having a story read to her or playing a computer. She is so immersed in what ever she is doing that she is in the movie,story or game. I have seen her have conversations with characters in games, vociing both sides with pure pleasure. What I am trying to say in my long winded, roundabout way is tha I would have loved to have been about 12 when I read this book for those very reasons. Does that mean that I did not enjoy this book because I am not a kid anymore, he'll no, I loved this book . It is a wonderful well written adventure story, fast paced, action packed and a pleasure to read. It does not shirk from the nastier side of life and considering a lot of the plot involves child slavery this is a good thing. I would hope kids thar read this book would bring that subject matter up with their parents or teachers as it is something worth discussing in both it's present and past form. The child characters show real strength and loyalty which I liked, something I think is good to try instill in any child. There are a number of back story sections in the narrative which thankfully do not intrude in the main story plot line, which in fact really help character development and does not slow the story down. Something I hope to see more off in future books in the series. I really would recomend this book to kids of 10 plus. It has action, pirates, assasians, martial arts experts, what more could you want in a adventure novel. Well I suppose if I asked my aforementioned niece, she would say spiderman but you can't have it all. This is a book I shall be keeping for her to give to when older and any book that is going to be passed on so someone else can share the pleasure, has to be a good read. less
Reviews (see all)
I loved this book! Was such a great read, and left me dying to read the 2nd one:)
This book is non-stop thrills, with beautifully constructed characters.
Fantastic book! Can't wait to read the next in the series
I won this book through Goodreads First Reads.
AMAZING! You NEED to read this!
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