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A Death In Italy: The Definitive Account Of The Amanda Knox Case (2012)

by John Follain(Favorite Author)
3.52 of 5 Votes: 5
1250024242 (ISBN13: 9781250024244)
St. Martin's Press
review 1: This was a local story for me, (I live in Seattle) and so maybe it was more interesting to me than others. But I thought this book was a refreshing non-partisan account of what happened. I thought the author seemed (I stress, seemed) to not take liberties and / or portrayals. To find out the actual names of the streets, clubs, schools, prosecutors, etc. The book was a page turner for me - something I couldn't put down at times.
review 2: Did not follow the current news about the case before. The book was helpful in telling what happened with the case. My opinion was that Amanda Knox and her two male friends were involved. Many young lives were ruined epecially Meredith who lost her life in violent way and apparently among people she knew. This part of the
... more story really made an impact with me...a neigbhor heard the girl screaming the night she was killed and that poor neighor will never forget hearing Meredith's voice as she was dying. That is heartbreaking. less
Reviews (see all)
Good read. Hard to figure out who was really behind the murder, even today..
This is a great book. I could hardly put it down.
I liked the neutral view of the facts.
Loved it
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