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Loving Hector (2013)

by John Inman(Favorite Author)
3.83 of 5 Votes: 1
1623804671 (ISBN13: 9781623804671)
Dreamspinner Press
review 1: This was a fun light-hearted read. Dill and Hector are both lovable characters with great chemistry. The secondary characters are quirky and funny but also a bit over the top (Gramps!). It is insta-love though. Dill and Hector move very quickly from meeting to falling in love, to moving in together, to dealing with the crazy Ex but it’s written very well with a lot of humor and witty dialogue. I will definitely read more from this author.
review 2: I loved it! So why only 3 stars? Well as much as I love silly books, ones that make me laugh, I still want them to have serious moments. I still want to feel the chemistry between the male characters. And unfortunately I didn't feel it here.Did they have lots of hot monkey sex and cum all over each other? Yes they
... moredid, but that's about all there was. But they were both funny and sarcastic and they made me laugh almost every other page. And can i just say I loved Gramps? What a character! It reminded me of Papaw from Shaking the Sugar Tree, but gramps was a lot crazier.And that kidnapping at the end....could the whole rescue have been any more ridiculous??? Nope don't think so.This book overall is somewhat similar to Tell Me It's Real by T.J. Klune, only T.J. was a lot better. The family was similarly crazy, the characters were funny as hell, but I felt like I got more than just a few laughs out of T.J.'s book.But make no mistake, it takes a lot of talent to write a book this humorous, and it's great as a pick-me-up book. It does lift your spirits if nothing else. less
Reviews (see all)
I really liked this book. Interesting characters, likeable story. I didn't want it to end.
Cool cover!I want a donut shower curtain.
This was just so much fun - I loved it!
I really enjoyed a fun read.
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