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Faith (2012)

by John Love(Favorite Author)
3.38 of 5 Votes: 4
1597803901 (ISBN13: 9781597803908)
Night Shade Books
review 1: This was a kick ass book. I loved the technology, the characters (in that I liked none of them but stayed curious about them at the same time), and the big reveal ending. The contrast between the technology of the spaceships and some of the low tech planet side scenes was really interesting to me, and the contrast between what a band of heros 'should be' and what they are in this book are when kept me reading. Myself, i found the writing to be....unique, sometimes a tad overdone or confusing, but overall good. The philosophical ending was particularly endearing to me as ive pondered similar questions many times, with the book providing one possible and fun answer. Very cool book and fun to read, and one that leaves you in a state of thought after you've finished the la... morest word.
review 2: At its best, a splendid tale of two warships dooking it out in an extended battle across a solar system. The good parts are, however, intertwined with wordy psychological probes of the characters and overly detailed descriptions of inscrutable events--but what really spoiled it for me was the author's near total disregard for the laws of physics (he has ships stopping and turning in space) and a concept of battle that is little different from old timey naval engagements, with ships whaling away at one another from distances of a few feet. For that sort of thing, I'll stick with Patrick O'Brian. less
Reviews (see all)
This one grabbed me and wouldn't let go. Very heady. Very tense.
The end was kind of a letdown.
Didn`t like it.
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