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L'été Des Deux Amours (2011)

by Julia London(Favorite Author)
3.7 of 5 Votes: 4
2290031070 (ISBN13: 9782290031070)
J'ai Lu
Cedar Springs
review 1: Stars - 4.5This story is a great example of the “what would you do” book. The situation, based on a colossal error, leads Macy, Finn and Wyatt to have to live through an emotional roller coaster of emotional highs and lows that I would not wish on anyone. It was heart wrenching for all involved. I can’t imagine being Macy and having to make the choice between her first love back from the dead and her current love. Add to that the fact that everyone in town has an opinion and isn’t afraid to share it, and you have an extremely tense situation. Love, obligation, guilt Julia London did a good job with the characters. Their reactions to the situation were very believable and I felt bad for each of them. Looking forward to reading the rest of se... moreries.
review 2: I do like Julia London but not this book. You would think a book on this subject matter would be emotionally heartwrenching, but instead it was very predictable from the start and I was never able to connect to the book emotionally. Instead of empathizing with Macy's problem, I found her annoying. And as much as I enjoy most JL books, the "love" scenes in this book are about as engaging as reading a description of a mechanic tuning up your car...no emotion whatsoever. less
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I did like the book but just a warning there are a few "scenes"!!
Liked this book. Hard to put down. Quick read.
Great book! So super steamy
3.5 stars really
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