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Seduction Of Lady X (2012)

by Julia London(Favorite Author)
3.72 of 5 Votes: 5
1441849483 (ISBN13: 9781441849489)
Brilliance Audio
The Secrets of Hadley Green
review 1: Utterly delicious! Olivia and Harrison have secretly been in love with each other for over six years. Trouble is...she's married...to an aristocrat who is also Harrison's boss. As if that wasn't an untenable affair, Olivia's sister, Alexa, gets pregnant while on a continental tour. Who's the daddy? She refuses to say. So Harrison steps in to save the day and a roller coaster of events occur....Olivia's husband dies, she gets evicted, Harrison gets fired, Alexa is confused, the servants are also confused amidst a potpourri of gossip, protocol and society rules. After all is unravelled and the parties sorted out...a happy ending results. A fantastic read.
review 2: Great story of forbidden love. Much better than the previous book in the series (REVENGE OF
... more LORD EBERLIN). At least we finally find out what happened to the missing jewels, which wasn't answered in the last book.I especially liked that the hero and heroine remained honorable and didn't have an affair while the heroine was still married.I wanted to strangle the heroine's sister more than once though! less
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She is such a great author. I loved this book lm glad Olivia found true love in the end
I loved it and now I want to know about Carlos and Alexa
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