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Power Girl, Vol. 2: Aliens And Apes (2010)

by Justin Gray(Favorite Author)
3.95 of 5 Votes: 2
1401229107 (ISBN13: 9781401229108)
DC Comics
review 1: Tucked away behind all the events based around 40 years of continuity that seem to run mainstream comics these days, there have been a few lonely titles out there that pretty much make their own way in the world and end up being really strong. The recent (and soon to return) Incredible Hercules, Booster Gold, and Blue Beetle are just a few. Power Girl definitely belongs on that list. While it has a lot of the wacky whimsy that still make golden age books fun, it's fully up to date with character development and plots that feel like they mean something. The opening story of this collection, for example, features a lecherous, speedo-wearing, super-powered man who travels to Earth in search of a mate to help him repopulate his homeworld. He sets a nearly unstoppable interdime... morensional monster loose on the Earth, with the idea that his defeating it will impress Power Girl and lure her towards his ultimate goal. Needless to say, things go awry very quickly. Gray and Palmiotti do a great job in making a character that really was a one-note joke in the 70's and 80's actually interesting and worthwhile. Yes, she strides around in spandex showing way too much cleavage to get into most restaraunts, but she can stand toe-to-toe with Superman and she runs her own tech company. As she says part-way in the book, "She's a person who happens to be a beautiful woman". If Wonder Woman were half as much fun as this title more people might care about her, too.Sadly, I think this lacks a real teen hook. Although I think a number of teen might like it. Wish I read the first volume last year so I could have nominated it.
review 2: A delightfully fun romp by the team of Connor, Grey and Palmiotti. I can not think of anyone anywhere who would have done such and enjoyable spoof of both Sean Connery and Zardoz (possibly one of the worst movies ever). In addition, they do something few other creative teams have and give Kara a personality. She remains the sex bomb who often rather hit first and ask questions later. Here though they give her some depth, as an example seeking psychiatric help for a villain instead of pounding him into the ground. less
Reviews (see all)
Lighthearted superhero fare with a sharp wit and tongue-in-cheek sense of itself.
Never was a fan of Power Girl until I read this. Lovely!
Oh, PG, we hardly knew thee.
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