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Homicide In Hardcover (2009)

by Kate Carlisle(Favorite Author)
3.74 of 5 Votes: 4
0451226151 (ISBN13: 9780451226150)
Bibliophile Mystery
review 1: I enjoyed this cozy little mystery. Our main character was a bookbinder, so I learned a little about the art and craft of rebinding books. I'm such a nerd that I think that would be really awesome to be able to do. Our protagonist was a little goofy, which gave the book some humor, but the character was so easy to like. I didn't quite fall in love with her as much as I did Charley Davidson from Jones' series, yet I believe we could be friends. I thought I had the mystery all figured out, but in the end I found that I was almost right. I don't want to say any more since I don't want to spoil the ending. You should read this one for yourself, folks. I would definitely be amenable to reading more from this author and more of this series. Thanks again to Pam Lynn for lending m... moree this from her wonderful collection of books.
review 2: I tried so hard to like this book. I like mysteries with a book milieu, like John Dunning's Janeway series, so I was really excited to find this new series. Ah, more disappointment this summer. I don't think the following comments require a spoiler alert…it is just so completely predictable that the book is it's own spoiler. End of Chapter 1 ("He'll die when he see's you." ) End of Chapter 2: he saw her and said "Can't talk right now, meet me in the basement later." End of Chapter 3: he dies in her arms in the basement and guess who the suspect is? Overall, the book-stuff was interesting but the mystery wasn't. I read about the first 100 pages and the last 2 chapters. Re-reading the Janeway stories would be much more fun. less
Reviews (see all)
A bit too fluffy for me. I was expecting a bit of suspense, but was disappointed.
I have really enjoyed all the books in this series.
Not bad, a little too much romance for my tastes.
A bit silly, but OK. Has it's funny moments.
Loved it, loved it, loved it.
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