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Girl Reading (2011)

by Katie Ward(Favorite Author)
3.41 of 5 Votes: 5
1844087387 (ISBN13: 9781844087389)
Virago Press (UK)
review 1: Such beautifully woven stories exposed through colorful details. I was enthralled by the portraits of women discovering themselves and being discovered in different stages of life, in different times and places, the different stories behind their invisible scars and the weights that burdened them, the pealing off the layers of their soul. Such enchanting compositions created by a complex imagination.
review 2: I hated this book. There was really nothing to get me through the end, but hope that it would get better, which it didn't. It seemed like an arrogant literary experiment instead of novel. Perhaps a collection of unrelated shirt stories? I'm not sure. Don't believe anyone who says it is like Cloud Atlas. It is not. Some of the imagery was compelling, which
... more is why I gave it two stars instead of one. Avoid. less
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really liked the concept. but she doesn't use speech marks!!!
Complex and tautly woven
Almost a 3 star
Hated it
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