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A Secret Until Now (Mills & Boon Modern) (2014)

by Kim Lawrence(Favorite Author)
3.15 of 5 Votes: 5
Mills & Boon Modern
One Night With Consequences
review 1: What I liked- this is a deep romance story not the usual lustmance populating HPs. I liked the hero. The heroine wasn't too annoying. She stayed celibate during the 5 years she was raising her child. The epilogue was lovelyWhat I didn't like- the hero turned into a lapdog. He apologized for not taking birth control precautions though it takes 2 to make an unplanned baby and the heroine never apologized. In older better HPs heroes upon discovering they were dads used all devious means necessary to get the heroine to marry them. Not this hero. He was a lapdog. All that wealth and power and he was an emasculated lapdog once he discovered he had a child. I found the heroine somewhat annoying. Her impulsive actions led to all the events which happened to her and she's angry at ... morethe hero...what the what...she sleeps with a stranger...she has no reason to be upset at the hero. And it really annoyed me the heroine didn't tell the hero immediately he had a child. The hero wasn't an evil douche so the heroine keeping silent was horrible. Finally, the chemistry between the hero and heroine was zero. The prose was decent but it felt mechanical not compelling at all.
review 2: Angel and Alex spend a night together but the morning after is not what Angel expects. Alex tells her he is a married man when in reality he is a widower who feels guilty for betraying the memory of his dead wife. Six years later single mother Angel who is now a model has to work with Alex for a campaign. He doesn't know she had his baby girl or that he is the only man Angel has ever loved. I admired the heroine and her dedication to her daughter. The epilogue was exactly what I wanted as a reader. Overall a good read but plot wise it could have been more interesting. less
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uff tah so much manliness and womanliness
Miniseries: One Night With Consequences
Another one night baby story
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