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A Fior Di Pelle (2009)

by Lauren Dane(Favorite Author)
3.94 of 5 Votes: 1
8865082984 (ISBN13: 9788865082980)
Brown Siblings
review 1: This was a complete impulse buy at a shocking kindle price of 5.99. I NEVER pay that much for a kindle book, I guess I was just looking for a nice hot menage and there wasn't anything I remembered already having on my kindle. So if it wouldn't have been 5.99 I would've given this 4 stars, but there are so many awesome books out there for way less. There was a really nice build-up of the relationship between Erin and Todd. There was a lot of character depth and growth which was nice for an erotica book... yet at the same time, I really felt the lack of sex. There should've been a lot more of that going on and ESPECIALLY when Ben joined the relationship. I was hoping for more between Todd and Ben, and I was definitely left hanging a bit on that front. I would be interested i... moren finishing out the rest of this series (should the price match what I think the read is worth).
review 2: Well I read number 3 in this series without realizing it was a series and loved it so much i decided i needed all of them. Unfortunately while i definitely enjoyed this one i didnt feel like it was on par with the one i read. Heroine: loved her! shes so spunky and headstrong but (almost) never bitchy. i love how big her heart is and how caring she is even after all that shes been through. her strength is inspiring but her openness with her own sexuality is probably my favorite part of the book. i love that dane created this character and this world where she wants what she wants and she doesnt feel like she has to be ashamed of it or make excuses for it. Todd: protective but not overly so, dominating but not overly so. and even in the beginning hes not a hurtful jackass just a dumb boy which makes it easier to root for him when he comes back into the picture. all around great character to read (though i still like cope the best so far). wouldve liked to read more about his past though especially his accidentBen: hes so sweet it makes you melt. and hes gentle but it has an edge to it that keeps him from being boring. enjoyable character but he doesnt have as strong of a presence as todd...or even as erinRomance: this is where the book fell really short for me. The romance in all angles felt to quickly paced and underdeveloped. Todd and Erin had half the book to themselves and yet it was mostly sex and like..montage type scenes (i.e. over the past 3 weeks they had seen each other every day-paraphrasing not direct quotes) without giving any detail on how they were getting to know each other after the passing of years and how they were together beyond sex. And yet it was still more developed than bens portion because he just gets thrown in then theres i love yous all around and it just feels too quick. I love this triad in the third book so thats absolutely not the problem but id kind of hoped to see them develop their relationship instead of just getting all the details of their sex lives.Sex scenes: um wow...like non stop sexing these people. i was honestly a little surprised at how many there were compared to number 3. and comparing the 2 i liked that in number 3 theres less sex but more relationship development. this felt like there was only barely enough plot to keep it from being a porno. The scenes themselves were very hot other than the frequent use of the word cunt which i hate. The scenes really only dip a foot into the bdsm scene rather than diving in but thats fine with me and i loved the way they portrayed it-as a loving relationship where a party concedes control to the other knowing that the dom will care for their submissive. to my understanding thats more what a D/s relationship is than someone just telling you what to do and getting off on doing whatever whether the sub enjoys it or not which is how some portrayals end up feeling.Plot: these books (at least as far as ive read) primarily focus the plot on the romances and since the romance happened so quick it felt more like one big long sex scene than a 300 page book. what plot there was though was highly enjoyable. i love that dane isnt afraid to take her characters to a dark place and doesnt pull any punches while theyre there but also that she puts them on a proper path to find their way back to life and love. erins loss was heartbreaking and once you get the whole story (only the death is referenced in the 3rd book which left me dying to find out what happened) you want to cry right along with her. Todds issues are mostly worked out by chapter 2 since it was just that he was unwilling to accept that he was a kinky dude. then we add ben and while the characters fit and the chemistry between them was great the timing of his addition felt odd. the story had ups and downs but i love that it ended on a high note.Writing: wonderful! i love this author even though i had some negative things to say about the book i think shes great and will continue to read her. pretty much everything else i have to say has been said in another section.Bottom line: while this book wasnt something id rave about i love the characters in this series and the book introduces them all. i think the books could mostly be read as a standalone though if you decide to skip this one definitely check out the others! less
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This was a complete impulse buy at a shocking kindle price of 5.99. I NEVER pay that much for a kindle book, I guess I was just looking for a nice hot menage and there wasn't anything I remembered already having on my kindle. So if it wouldn't have been 5.99 I would've given this 4 stars, but there are so many awesome books out there for way less. There was a really nice build-up of the relationship between Erin and Todd. There was a lot of character depth and growth which was nice for an erotica book... yet at the same time, I really felt the lack of sex. There should've been a lot more of that going on and ESPECIALLY when Ben joined the relationship. I was hoping for more between Todd and Ben, and I was definitely left hanging a bit on that front. I would be interested in finishing out the rest of this series (should the price match what I think the read is worth).
This story was too neat. Todd and Erin had a brief love affair ten years ago. He freaked and couldn't accept his own sexuality, so she broke it off.They go their separate ways, but after ten years with no contact they just pick up where they left off. Unbelievable.On this we are expected to suspend belief. Now that the uptight cop turned private security man is more comfortable with his sexuality I am also expected to believe that he just jumps right off the deep end by adding a third.Anyway, that being said the sex scenes were pretty hot, except all this talk about 'gates', and I am intrigued enough to want to find out more about the other Brown Siblings.I wonder what that says about me?
Thank u baby Jesus this book and super fecking hot
menage, two men with each other and a woman
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