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Zen Habits By Leo Babauta: Handbook For Life (2011)

by Leo Babauta(Favorite Author)
3.81 of 5 Votes: 5
Zen habits
review 1: This book starts out with some great, very practical advice and during the first half, I would have given it a much higher rating. There is a reasonable amount of value packed into its smaller number of pages (The size being quite befitting of its message). The author writes in a fantastically witty style, interspersing his rather serious subject matter with plenty of humour. I found the chapter "The Art of Nothing" particularly amusing.However, due to this work really being a compilation of blog posts, there are many instances of repetition (The ones that particularly annoyed me were the same quotes, quoted again). Throughout the second half and towards the end, the style switches from a clean, reserved and practical guide into something more moralising and preachy. I fou... morend this particularly annoying as it ruined and otherwise great book and the contrast didn't really seem to flow well from the message nearer the beginning.That said, I do feel like most people definitely have something to gain from reading this; whether it be boost to their productivity or just peace of mind, there is some great material in there."Always ask: Will this simplify my life? If the answer is no, re-consider."
review 2: It's a pretty simple book, or rather a booklet. Very straightforward and rather simplistic. I skipped through it and didn't read it thoroughly because everything is as common-sensical as possible or you've surely heard it somewhere else or thought it yourself. It still might prove useful because it works as a reminder of those nice ideas we and projects or tips we had for ourself but somehow lost sight of them because of all the clutter of day to day life. I've personally took away just one tip which I am going to try to implement - that of being an early riser. less
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I promise you'll come back to this book if your life ever gets confusing again
Offered modern world insight into essential living.
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