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When "Spiritual But Not Religious" Is Not Enough: Seeing God In Surprising Places, Even The Church (2013)

by Lillian Daniel(Favorite Author)
3.72 of 5 Votes: 2
1455523089 (ISBN13: 9781455523085)
Jericho Books
review 1: This book contained several essays that felt like really good sermons. Several of the essays cover the importance of community as part of a religious experience. For me, a good sermon gives me some new insight that helps guide me forward and this book contained several. I particularly enjoyed Lillian's insights into common everyday interactions like yard signs or not judging people by their appearance. I read it cover to cover for book club but plan to go back and reread the essays one at a time to really digest their messages.
review 2: Lillian Daniel gets frustrated with those who tell 'they are spiritual and not religious' as though church-going-people don't know that you can connect with God in nature. She rightly observes that in church, people have inten
... moretionally thought about and pursued God and therefore may have a little more spiritual substance. However this book looks at where we encounter God in the world. Her argument for 'church' or 'religion' is an arguement against hyper-individualism. If we are to grow spiritually, we need others.The stories are funny and Daniel is a great author. This isn't a book exploring the depths of theology though. Progressives and more orthodox believers will appreciate Daniel's writing. less
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Random thoughts on the church. I expected more depth.
Charming book-a fun read with quite of few insights.
Interesting reflections from a fine writer
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