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The Girl Nobody Wants (2012)

by Lilly O'Brien(Favorite Author)
3.77 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: I never write reviews for books that I read but this book was amazing. Not amazing in a happy way but amazing as in very touching and moving. As I read this book I began to realize that I need to cherish life and how good I had as a child. We all have problems growing up in life but to not have a childhood is not right. It is cruel that her family got away with all the harmful stuff they did to her and how no one stepped up and made it stop. No child should be treated that way and no adult should of let it happen. This true story of lily made me think and has made me want to go into child protective services as my career. I am 20 years old and absolutely love children and after reading this book I have officially made up my mind and want to go get involved in CPS and help ... morechildren get out of bad situations. I want to be that person to stand up and help protect children from people like Likud family. I hope more people can read this book and get as much out of it as I did. This book impacted me in ways I didn't think a book could. I hope lily is living a better life and I hope she can know how much this book can change others and help others in their own lives. I hope that lily will know that by writing this book it could make people like myself be the voice for other kids like lily and save them from permanent life long damage.
review 2: I'm not even sure if the word shocking does this story justice, it's beyond shocking how so many people hurt this poor girl and it's amazing that she is still alive. I feel extremely sad for her as she has to continue to struggle and live with the horrible memories that will haunt her for the rest of her life. I hope she can find even just a little bit of peace and a break occasionally from the sadness of it all. It's a sick and twisted thing when people hurt children and it makes me sick to my stomach to even think about. This book will definitely bring you to tears many times. You truly don't know the depths of depravity in other people until you've experienced abuse at the hand of another. She tells an incredibly horrifying abuse filled story about her life. So many people failed her and hurt her, and I wish there was some kind of way to make it better for her and make it right, but there's no way to rectify it. You can't undo damage like that to someone, it forever changes them. Sometimes people's only solace (and hopefully she can get some from this) is in knowing that people like the ones who hurt her will die one day and they will get what's coming to them. less
Reviews (see all)
This was a good book - disturbing at times and very very sad that humans treat each other this way.
I cringe at the thought that this is a true story.....
excellent book,everyone should read this
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