Reliving Fate – Natasha Preston


So earlier this year I read the Silence series by Natasha Preston which I really enjoyed so I decided I’d read all her other books.
I’ve literally just finished Reliving Fate which she released a week or so ago.

The story line and characters are brilliant!
Bella finds her sisters diary, her sister was murdered 12 years ago and Bella is determined to find out who it is that killed her.

It’s fast paced, thought provoking and I didn’t work out who the killer was which is great as normally I can work it out.
I would suggest people have a box of tissues to one side as you may need them.

Absolutely loved this book, highly recommend it although it does contains lots of adult themes such as sex, murder, drugs and mentions of prostitution.

look for the links below this gorgeous cover!




Right I’m going to love you and leave you as need to proof read a certain book! (you’ll hear all about it in a future post!)

Happy reading!



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