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The Royal Treatment (2011)

by Lindsey Leavitt(Favorite Author)
4.23 of 5 Votes: 1
1423121937 (ISBN13: 9781423121930)
Princess for Hire
review 1: I really enjoyed the second installment much like the first. It was light and easy. There were parts that I felt a little forced to be more than it is, but I like how light it was. It's girly and prissy and full of glittery poof. If that's not something than entertains you I'd recommend staying away. I'm excited how the romance aspect makes a turn and I'm eager to learn a little more about the agency as we end book 2. Will continue to book 3. No language, nothing gory and just a little kiss. I will definitely recommend this for my second daughter, her kind of series for sure.
review 2: What would your dream job be if you were 13? Working in a pet store? working at an amusement park? How about working as a sub for princesses when they want to step out o
... moref the spotlight and take a break? Book 2 of the Princess for Hire series finds thirteen-year-old Desi has been working for The Facade Agency for several months learning the ropes as a substitue for fatigued princess. Facade chose Desi based on her MP, Magic Potential. When she applies magic rouge that Facade gave her, pouf, she takes on the appearance and steps into the shoes of a weary princess for several hours. This fun book has rightfully been described as a "girlie girl" book with some clean romance and a look into the lives of the rich and famous. Other plot lines include Desi's trying not to fall for her best friends crush, trying out for the high school play, and discovering the Facade Agency might not have everyone's magical intereste at heart. less
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a fun follow up to Princess for Hire- want book #3.
It was sooo good. I enjoyed it, like, a lot. :)
So cute!
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