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Take Care, Sara (2013)

by Lindy Zart(Favorite Author)
3.8 of 5 Votes: 4
1484802039 (ISBN13: 9781484802038)
CreateSpace Independent
review 1: It's taken me days to finally write this review for an incredibly talented author. Take Care, Sara brought memories back to me that I had hoped I was over. Although my circumstances were different from this story, it all came down to the same thing. Losing the love of your life and what it takes to get over that and move on with your life. Lindy Zart has managed to bring out emotions in me that any other author has never done before. Take Care, Sara is a tough read but one that will leave the reader realizing one of life's lessons. Love, loss, recovery. Well worth taking the time to read.
review 2: I think it's pretty safe to say that I don't have a heart. This book got so many people crying, and while okay, it is sad, it wasn't THAT sad. I thought the portraya
... morel of grief and guilt was authentic. I could definitely feel Sara's struggles between the two, so it's pretty safe to say that the book was off to a rather good start. Until the halfway point, I guess, where Lincoln's feelings towards Sara is more apparent. It's the ever predictable story, I guess, but in a way, I resented how the author seemed to construe the story in such a way that Cole was at some kind of fault. He went from being seemingly perfect and sweet to being insensitive and insecure as if to make Lincoln the better guy even though Lincoln blows hot and cold towards Sara. I don't know, but for me, that just didn't seem right. less
Reviews (see all)
I like this story. Sometimes it was little exhaustive but it was real and nice.
4 - 4.5 stars! Loved the emotions felt in this book!
4,5 stars
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