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Double Dog Dare (2012)

by Lisa Graff(Favorite Author)
3.91 of 5 Votes: 4
0399255168 (ISBN13: 9780399255168)
review 1: Fun and heavy with message, Double Dog Dare is the tale of 2 fourth graders competing for the spot of anchor by engaging in a series of dares prepared by their classmates. The book is almost also about how 2 fourth graders from 2 different families are dealing with the divorce of their parents. I found myself enjoying these side stories quite a bit: the dare story-line definitely lightened the heaviness of other conflicts in the book. Only issue I had was with the overly-cool Media Club sponsor that seemed unrealistically unconcerned with the dares being enacted, especially in light of the strict and concerned principal. Overall, however, thought it was a enjoyable read.
review 2: Francine and Kansas find themselves in a double dog dare competition for who will
... more become the next news anchor of the Fourth Grade Media Club. Each contestant has to take on one dare per day (decided upon by the rest of the club members). If the dare is successfully completed, that individual gets a point. At the end of the competition the one with the most points wins. As Kansas takes an early lead, Francine finds herself playing catch up and having to complete more and more outrageous dares each day. What happens when she is dared to do something totally gross and embarrassing on live TV? Does she want to be news anchor that much??! This one would make a great booktalk. Pair it with The Lemonade War or How to Eat Fried Worms. less
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Read on the recommendation of my 10 year old-- very good! Reminded me of the "Fudge" books
Funny. A sublot of dealing with divorce was thoughtfully done.
Cute, humorous, rings true.
RL 720
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