April round-up

April didn’t necessarily bring spring to London, but it certainly did to Madrid, where I spent a wonderful weekend. Reading-wise the month started so well that in the last week I decided to finally tackle It by Stephen King, at almost 1400 pages it is a bit intimidating book. Luckily I have it on my Kindle, I cannot imagine carrying the book in my purse, surely it would snap. It was intimidating for two other reasons too: I have never seen the movie, because as a child I was too terrified by the poster; also I don’t read much horror books, there was Carrie years ago and some Lovecraft also over ten years ago and that’s it. What finally pushed me to try is the fact that I really enjoyed other King’s books I read (Joyland, Mr Mercedes and Under the Dome), for me this is entertainment at its best, also the new version of the movie will be released this year, so I thought I better read the book on the off chance I may not be afraid to watch the movie.

So far so good, I got through half of the book and I like it a lot, it is scary, but not in a way I expected. However I needed a breather over the weekend and I delved into some other books too.

Here’s what I read and finished this month:

30. Migrants, migrations : 50 questions pour vous faire votre opinion – Hélène Thiollet (r)
29. The Trouble with Goats and Sheep – Joanna Cannon (r) – everyone was raving about this book, so I finally got to it, it’s good, but not great, I feel I read better books about kids exploring the world of adults.
28. House of Cards – Michael Dobbs – comparison to the Netflix series is unavoidable and I think I liked the series more, but maybe it was because I have seen it before reading the book
27. Rok Królika – Joanna Bator (r) – I loved Dark, Almost Night by Bator, I enjoyed Wyspa Łza/The Teardrop Island, but this one was a bit disappointing, not a bad book, but not as good as the previous ones.
26. Sofia Khan is not Obliged – Ayisha Malik (r)
25. Król -Szczepan Twardoch (r) – this was an interesting one, a story about pre-WWII Polish and Jewish crime world in Warsaw, again a study of memory, of how our mind refuses to deal with some things, a cruel story of crime, evil, racism. A depressing but great read.
24. The Ocean at the End of the Lane – Neil Gaiman (r) – partially a fairy tale, partially fantasy, but mainly a book about what we lose when we grow up.
23. This is London: Life and Death in the World City – Ben Judah (r)

Photo by Violetta Kaszubowska @ vkphotospace

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