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Small Change For Stuart (2011)

by Lissa Evans(Favorite Author)
3.92 of 5 Votes: 5
038561800X (ISBN13: 9780385618007)
Stuart Horten
review 1: A quick fun middle school adventure. It isn't breaking ANY new ground, but it is light and endearing. The character's are enjoyable, they make decisions for themselves, make mistakes, but don't whine or dwell on it too much. The procedure part of the mystery is a bit preposterous, but the book chops ahead so rapidly, I just couldn't work myself up to be concerned about it. Adults tend to be there when the plot calls for them and disappear when when it doesn't, but I get why the author/editor weeded out the clutter. Entertaining, wouldn't be opposed to reading the sequel.
review 2: Stuart Horten, aka S. Horten or "Shorty Shorten" has moved to Beeton at the beginning the summer. Which is terrible. With no time to make friends Stuart is looking forward to a long
... more lonely summer vacation, and Beeton seems to be a quiet town. That's until he finds out about his great uncle Teeny-Tiny Tony Horten, magician and creator of the most mysterious and magical contraptions.The story follows Stuart as he discovers clues left for his lexigraphically inclined father and finds himself on the trail of his Uncle's mysterious disappearance many years before. The story is fun, would be a good read for kids who enjoy mysteries, stage magic and secret codes. Would be a good first book for readers who aren't quite ready for the Mysterious Benedict Society.The story is imaginative and while containing some of the regular "growing up" tropes, had some unique characters and a few interesting twists to the story. less
Reviews (see all)
i trout it was quite good but scary at some times
Wonderful YA--brilliantly executed. 3.5 stars.
Maine Student Book Award Nominee 2013-2014
This is a cute, quirky book.
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