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Nesatul (The Vampire Diaries: Stefan's Diaries #3) (2000)

by L.J. Smith(Favorite Author)
4.01 of 5 Votes: 3
The Vampire Diaries: Stefan's Diaries
review 1: This is without a doubt my favorite installment of Stefan's Diaries, due to its humorous yet realistic plot. By "realistic" I mean that I can actually believe these events happened to Stefan and Damon. The next three books (the "Jack the Ripper" arc), while entertaining, struck me as rather sloppily and hastily put together, only to wind up extremely (and needlessly) drawn out.But let's stick to this book, shall we?Likes:-Oh, Damon. His plot to marry into the Sutherland family to get a slice of their business empire had me cracking up the whole book. Well, that and his Italian count charade. "Count DeSangue" indeed.-Appearances by Lexi are always welcome.-This plot, I think, is a perfect, typical example of the rivalry between the Salvatores: Stefan is running around tryin... moreg to save innocent people while Damon parties, compels, and feeds to his heart's content-The Sutherland family provided an ample number of interesting supporting characters: we had the well-meaning if clueless Winfield, the shallow, obnoxious Bridgit, the sweet, sincere Lydia, and the tough, smart Margaret.-Speaking of Margaret, I appreciated her early suspicions of Stefan and Damon. It's nice to know not everyone is so easily victimized.Dislikes:-As someone else said, it's odd how in the books, Stefan and Damon seem to have at least a vague idea of who Klaus is, though in the show they act like they've never heard of him until midway through the second season.-The part where Stefan loans Lexi his ring so she can escape the church is contrary to what he told her in the show; that it only works for the person it was made for.-Stefan's constant vacillating between mindsets in this book drove me nuts. One minute he's lamenting his woeful existence and wondering what he can possibly do to atone for his sins (and Damon's). The next, he finally resolves to crack down and do something to stop the madness. But by the end of whatever struggle he's involved in, he'll be wondering if he's now no better than his enemy, merely for fighting back. It's a constant, ridiculous cycle. He literally can't do anything without feeling guilty.-Lucius, while a genuinely scary villain, is almost TOO EVIL to be a mere henchman. Still, I'd like to know what happened to him.
review 2: V tretej časti Stefanových denníkov, série spracovanej podľa televízneho seriálu, sa opäť stretávame s bratmi Salvatore. Stefan sa začína pomaly vyrovnávať s tým, že sa z neho stal upír a odchádza do New Yorku, kde sa snaží nájsť nový život. Zabúda na ten starý, v ktorom stratil svoju ľudskosť, prestáva zabíjať a prahnúť po ľudskej krvi. No v tom sa znovu objavuje jeho brat Damon, ktorý mu plány prekazí a poriadne zamieša karty. Obaja sa ocitnú v smrteľnom nebezpečenstve pred pomstychtivým upírom. Pretože na minulosť sa nezabúda. Ani v tom najreálnejšom sne. Vďaka úspechu televízneho spracovania Upírskych denníkov vznikla úplne nová séria – Stefanove denníky. Tie sa držia pevne podľa seriálovej podoby a odhaľujú pravdivý Stefanov a Damonov život tesne po premene na upírov. Romány tvoria samotní filmoví režiséri. Prekladu sa dočkala už tretia časť série plná napätia, zvratov a temných tajomstiev oboch bratov. V pokračovaní máme možnosť sledovať vyvíjajúci sa charakter Stefana, ktorý odchádza za novým životom do New Yorku. Na rozdiel od svojho brata Damona, zbavuje sa svojich starých zlozvykov a stáva sa z neho úplne nová osobnosť závislá na krvi zvierat, ktoré nachádza v Central parku. Vstupuje do vznešenej rodiny ako taliansky šľachtic. Damon však ostáva sám sebou, ba dokonca prahne po ľudskej krvi ešte väčšmi. Objavujú sa tiež nové postavy, ktoré autori veľmi dobre vykreslili. Zároveň vás opisy nebudú otravovať a zbytočne naťahovať dej. Keďže Katherine v knižke chýba, niektorí čitatelia môžu byť sklamaný. Celkovo bola Pomsta viazaná len na určitý okruh postáv. Knižka pôsobila uvoľnene, autori použili ľahko čitateľný štýl a pri čítaní ma nič nevyrušovalo, ale i napriek tomu som mal pocit, že mi v nej niečo chýba. Uvítal by som viac častí, v ktorých bol ústrednou postavou Damon. Drvivá väčšina bola zasadená len do jedného mesta a zápletka bola možno až príliš jednoduchá. Na druhej strane, táto časť bola zo všetkých najlepšia, prepracovaná a vrcholila nepredvídateľným a otvoreným koncom. Pri televíznom spracovaní som nikdy dlho nevydržal, takže príbeh bol pre mňa nový. Možno aj preto ma tak zaujal a dokázal som len zaryto listovať. Knižku hodnotím veľmi pozitívne. Oproti predošlej časti urobili autori veľký pokrok a som veľmi zvedavý na pokračovanie, ktoré by malo vyjsť v októbri tohto roku. less
Reviews (see all)
This is without a doubt my favorite installment of Stefan's Diaries, due to its humorous yet realistic plot. By "realistic" I mean that I can actually believe these events happened to Stefan and Damon. The next three books (the "Jack the Ripper" arc), while entertaining, struck me as rather sloppily and hastily put together, only to wind up extremely (and needlessly) drawn out.But let's stick to this book, shall we?Likes:-Oh, Damon. His plot to marry into the Sutherland family to get a slice of their business empire had me cracking up the whole book. Well, that and his Italian count charade. "Count DeSangue" indeed.-Appearances by Lexi are always welcome.-This plot, I think, is a perfect, typical example of the rivalry between the Salvatores: Stefan is running around trying to save innocent people while Damon parties, compels, and feeds to his heart's content-The Sutherland family provided an ample number of interesting supporting characters: we had the well-meaning if clueless Winfield, the shallow, obnoxious Bridgit, the sweet, sincere Lydia, and the tough, smart Margaret.-Speaking of Margaret, I appreciated her early suspicions of Stefan and Damon. It's nice to know not everyone is so easily victimized.Dislikes:-As someone else said, it's odd how in the books, Stefan and Damon seem to have at least a vague idea of who Klaus is, though in the show they act like they've never heard of him until midway through the second season.-The part where Stefan loans Lexi his ring so she can escape the church is contrary to what he told her in the show; that it only works for the person it was made for.-Stefan's constant vacillating between mindsets in this book drove me nuts. One minute he's lamenting his woeful existence and wondering what he can possibly do to atone for his sins (and Damon's). The next, he finally resolves to crack down and do something to stop the madness. But by the end of whatever struggle he's involved in, he'll be wondering if he's now no better than his enemy, merely for fighting back. It's a constant, ridiculous cycle. He literally can't do anything without feeling guilty.-Lucius, while a genuinely scary villain, is almost TOO EVIL to be a mere henchman. Still, I'd like to know what happened to him.
Great third book in the series. The complicated relationship between Stefan and Damon is further detailed in this book. The stories of the beginning of their Vampire lives are interesting. It's nice to see some of what Stefan and Damon went through during the beginning of their 145 years. I'm sad that the next three books aren't available on audiobook yet but my curiousity is peaked to read on no matter what form.
not as good as the first two but it continues to entertain me....cannot wait to see what's next!
*3.2 stars.
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