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Lion's Heat (2010)

by Lora Leigh(Favorite Author)
4.29 of 5 Votes: 2
0425233804 (ISBN13: 9780425233801)
Berkley Sensation
review 1: The best line in the story that made laugh literally out loud is this, "I said you could work naked, but I doubt you're into that." It was so funny and arousing but yet too humorous and so sexy. This was one of the best that I am so speechless. But the ending was too much smooth. I mean there wasn't enough climax. In regards to the last part, as in little Amber being maybe a Breed? Well, it was a good one too. I felt the love so much in this book. The devotion was expressed beautifully that I was so touched. Jonas' love was so profound that I saw a part of him that I wasn't able to see before. APPLAUSE.
review 2: I can't ever say I find Lora Leigh's books to be boring and I won't say this was. However, this book I need to read over again. The comeuppance I was
... morewaiting for towards Jonas didn't even surface, not even the passion scenes *sigh* I just can't right this review right now. *sigh* I have to read this book over. this book has so many unanswered questions that basically took a lot away from the story between Jonas and Rachel. *sigh* I still love the book but where were their sparks, chemistry, fireworks??? Could parts of the story be told through another stories characters? There were tons of new characters introduced that I couldn't quiet focus on Jonas and it could be honestly due to my VERY VERY HIGH expectation.Still a Lora Leigh fan!I really think that Jonas NEEDS a PART TWO for his story. less
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wasn't sure I was going to like this one..but this now is my Fav of the 'Breed' series.
Yumm another of my favs of the series!!
HOT HOT HOT! Jonas is awesome.
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