Uncharted Sand








We walked the hot steamy sand

a desert with only one way out

you seeking a destiny never discussed

not knowing if there is hope that

will unfold yet we stroll and

continue to fuss.


Blistered by the suns heat

empty dreams of life seems

unfulfilled and incomplete

a transcendental tranquility

beyond reach, we continue to seek


Somewhere out here on the desert

a transition between Thanksgiving

and Halloween on the night of the

clear full moon there is no shore no

hidden door of water to pour


You consider the possibilities that

you should alter your turn for this

destiny you yearn but my course

does not require water I simply

thirst for life so sweet and eternal

peace. In a quiet retreat


A promise of vineyards of heaven

we have not yet seen

but we continue to walk on desolate

shores of sand as we daydream

I know I need more so we stroll and

pray for the entry of the right door


Yvonne Coleman-Burney

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