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Stenalderkost Kuren - Sund På 7 Dage (2011)

by Loren Cordain(Favorite Author)
3.74 of 5 Votes: 1
8792910785 (ISBN13: 9788792910783)
review 1: Not a light/easy read by any stretch of the imagination, but I appreciate Cordain's work to ground the reasons one might choose paleo in science. (Knowing full-well, of course, that results can be interpreted in many ways.) 'Part One: The Paleo Way' and 'Part Three: Maximum Paleo Living' were the most helpful—discussing saturated fat, how to approach paleo (I like the 85/15 rule—follow it 85% of the time and use the other 15% (approx. 3 meals per week) as you like), and a sample menu for a week's worth of meals. The other two parts, 'Part Two: Paleo Pitfalls' and 'Part Four: The Paleo Answer for Everyone' were not as useful for me. Part Two (and the chapters in Part Three about water and supplements) made me realize why so many libertarians follow paleo. Part Four... more was advice for (mostly) pregnant women and children, which could be helpful for others. I never thought of it this way, but I think Cordain makes perfect sense: "The ADA has labeled the Paleo Diet a fad diet because it eliminates 'two entire food groups'—grains and dairy. Yet hypocritically, the ADA exempts vegan diets from this characterization, despite the fact that vegan diets eliminate two food groups (dairy and meats/fish)." (Loc. 1225–1554)
review 2: Some kindle notes:Theodosius Dobzhansky, a well-known Russian evolutionary biologist, said, “Nothing in biology makes sense, except under the light of evolution.” - location 250In The Paleo Diet, I spoke of the 85/15 rule—meaning that if you are 85 percent compliant with the diet most of the time, significant improvements in your health can occur. The other 15 percent—normally, three meals a week—are open meals, meaning you can choose to eat a normal amount of foods that fall outside the diet plan. - location 403So, should you go out and eat bacon, hot dogs, salami, and fatty processed meats until you can’t eat any more? Absolutely not. Processed meats are synthetic mixtures of meat and fat combined artificially at the meatpacker’s or the butcher’s whim with no regard for the true fatty acid profile of the wild animal carcasses our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate. In addition to their unnatural fatty acid profiles—high in omega 6 fatty acids, low in omega 3 fatty acids, and high in saturated fatty acids—processed fatty meats are chock full of the preservatives nitrites and nitrates, which are converted into potent cancer-causing nitrosamines in our guts. To make a bad situation worse, these unnatural meats are typically laced full of salt, high-fructose corn syrup, wheat, grains, and other additives that have multiple adverse health effects. In a 2010 meta analysis, scientists from the Harvard School of Public Health reported that red meat consumption was not associated with either heart disease or type 2 diabetes, whereas eating processed meats resulted in a 42 percent greater risk for heart disease and a 19 percent greater risk for type 2 diabetes. - location 620From my ongoing analysis of hunter-gatherers, the most consistent daily eating pattern appears to be a single large meal consumed in the late afternoon or evening. A midday meal or lunch was rarely or never taken, and a small breakfast (consisting of the remainders of the previous evening meal) was sometimes eaten. Some snacking may have occurred during gathering; however, the bulk of the day’s food was consumed in the late afternoon or the evening. The hunter-gatherer pattern of eating could be described as intermittent fasting, compared to our Western customs, - location 793The only banned vegetables are potatoes, cassava root, sweet corn, and legumes (beans, peas, soy, green beans, peanuts, etc.). - location 802Almost all domesticated fruits and vegetables have been bred over thousands of years since the agricultural revolution to produce foods that are bigger, sweeter, and less fibrous. - location 841Rats that were allowed to eat their normal chow consumed more food and gained more weight when artificial sweeteners were added to their diet. We do not currently know precisely how artificial sweeteners cause us to gain weight, but the most likely explanation is that they somehow interfere with our normal appetites and how our bodies handle both glucose and insulin. - location 970By closely examining this table, you can get a feel for foods that yield excessive AGEs and those that don’t. Advanced Glycation End-Product (AGE) Contents in Foods (kU per 100 grams) - location 1019Notice that fruits and veggies and staples of the Paleo Diet are very low in AGEs, as are eggs. In contrast, most dairy products and fast and processed foods are loaded with these harmful substances. - location 1035Raw meats and fish contain much lower concentrations of AGEs, but so do animal foods that are prepared using slow cooking methods, - location 1042A final tip: cooking with lemon juice can significantly reduce the AGEs in your meat or fish, - location 1054I quote Dr. Key’s study: “There were no significant differences between vegetarians and non-vegetarians in mortality from cerebrovascular disease, stomach cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer or all other causes combined.” I have italicized the last words of this sentence to emphasize the fact that vegetarians do not fare any better than their hamburger-eating counterparts when death rates for all causes are considered. A more recent 2009 analysis, the EPIC-Oxford Study employing the largest sample of vegetarians (33,883) ever examined, came up with identical conclusions: “Within the study mortality from circulatory diseases and all causes is not significantly different between vegetarians and meat eaters.” - location 1171About five to ten years ago, however, experiments from our laboratory and others unexpectedly revealed that low-glycemic dairy foods paradoxically caused huge rises in blood insulin levels. The table below shows that despite their low glycemic indices, dairy foods maintain high insulin responses similar to white bread. - location 1853infants whose moms drank milk became colicky, - location 2078A specific subcategory of saponins found in nightshade plants such as tomatoes and potatoes are called glycoalkaloids, which I will discuss later in the chapter. - location 3602The nightshade family comprises plant foods most of us eat every day, such as potatoes, tomatoes, green peppers, chili peppers, eggplants, - location 3639Note that smaller and unripe tomatoes have markedly increased levels of α-tomatine, whereas this compound is barely detectable in a standard ripe, red tomato. By contrast, ketchup, green salsa, pickled green tomatoes, and cherry tomatoes are all potent sources of α-tomatine. - location 3680it is now known that during pregnancy, women have a reduced ability to metabolize dietary protein. High maternal protein intake increases the risk for low-birth-weight babies and overall fetal mortality. During pregnancy, the estimated safe upper limit for dietary protein is about 25 percent of the daily calories. - location 4631 less
Reviews (see all)
I have read all of Loren Cordain's books on the Paleo diet and this one does not disappoint.
I thought from the title that it would be more of a how-to than a why to.
It gives answer to all the questions about the paleo diet.
Starting slowly...no grains during the week.
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