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National Security (2000)

by Marc Cameron(Favorite Author)
3.95 of 5 Votes: 5
Jericho Quinn
review 1: Some days you just feel like reading trash. And then you find a really good looking piece of trash as a kindle daily deal for $1.99 and you think it couldn't really do you any harm, just this one time. Like most junk food it starts out delicious (ooh, mysterious deadly illness, heroic marines, fat, sugar, salt...) but by the end you remember why eating junk really isn't good for you and you begin craving nutrition, fine dining, vitamins and minerals. This had some genuine excitement, but most of it was just silly.
review 2: I think this was a very good first effort for Marc Cameron. I gave this book four stars simply because it was difficult not to want to finish it. The book takes place in post 9/11 America. Terrorism against the USA is once again on the for
... moreefront. Enter Jericho Quinn our governments own secret weapon. The action begins and builds quickly to a climax. I know there is a second book out and hope that the characters are more developed and dialogue not quite so stilted, my only two problems with this book. less
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This book is too real. Great military suspense. Anxious to read the next in the series.
Really good book. I will definitely continue with Jericho Quinn series.
An okay thriller. Needed something entertaining after War and Peace
Great thriller
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