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Becoming A Lady (2000)

by Marie Higgins(Favorite Author)
3.3 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: A solid 3.6+ stars. Please forgive any spelling errors I make in this review. I'm writing this from a tablet at a basketball game. My dad dragged me on my weekend off to this boring game and in my boredom I downloaded a book from the Kindle store. Alas this review will have no HTML or such so I do apologize! When I started this book my first thought was "There is no way I will like this." I must say that I was proven wrong. The plot was a little wierd to start and some characters were definitely underdeveloped but the romance scenes in mind make up for all of this. Those scenes tugged at my heartstrings. They were immensely descriptive and I yearned for more! So while the plot may be a little lacking this is a good book for a quick read. Maybe a rainy day by the fireplace... more when you wish you could cuddle. I would recommendthis if you are looking for something quick and happy, not quite if you want somehing deep and developing. Still nice nevertheless. Just go read this little gem, its highly likely you will like it.Allons-y!!!!
review 2: I absolutely love this short, sweet and to the point book. It was a fast read but packed full although it left me thirsty for more. I am going to delve into the next book. Loved it! Obviously I recommend it. THe "d" word was in it a couple time I'll admitt, however I kinda had to laugh or say that's right because of the context and her personality. Sure another word of more clever expression could have been used instead of that word, however I understand it. ANyway don't judge the book for that just read it. Have to say the love story I think is the sweetest I've read in these books so far. less
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Short and predictable. If I hadn't got it free I don't think I would have read it.
Loved it. Looking forward to more books by this author.
Short and sweet!!
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