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Rush Of Blood (2012)

by Mark Billingham(Favorite Author)
3.72 of 5 Votes: 4
1847444210 (ISBN13: 9781847444219)
Little Brown
review 1: It seems I'm at odds with many of the other reviewers of this book as I really enjoyed it. It's a bit of a departure for Mark Billingham but extremely well done. Nothing gruesome, just a steadily building teasing out of the truth about the relationships within and between three couples who met on holiday, and the tragic consequences. The dynamics between all the players are brilliantly plotted and just when you think you know what happened...
review 2: I quite enjoyed reading this book, although the first part is a bit slow,the plot is very well unfolded, and there are characters I quite like in it, such as that police woman who played a important part in getting the case investigated, and a male detective who showed a lot sympathy to the victim's poor mother.
... moreIt keeps me reading and guessing who is the murderer, until the last page, the ending is quite unexpected, quite shocking, and a bit unbelievable. less
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had me going til the end. I thought I had it all figured out but i was fooled.
Easy beach read, fast paced, really enjoyed!
A half-decent story mundanely told.
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