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The Demands (2012)

by Mark Billingham(Favorite Author)
4.09 of 5 Votes: 4
0316126632 (ISBN13: 9780316126632)
Mulholland Books
Tom Thorne
review 1: 3.5 stars - go on, Goodreads, give us those half stars to play with. Helen Weeks, last seen in the standalone thriller 'In the Dark', is placed at the heart of a siege in a newsagents' shop, and only Tom Thorne (naturally) can bring about justice for the hostage taker, who believes his son's death in a young offenders' institution was murder, not suicide. As usual, Thorne is the lone voice of reason in a world where just about every other authority figure is either portrayed as either inept or corrupt. The story rattles along, inviting the reader to ask themselves what they would do in the situation Helen finds herself in, and how far they would go to survive. But that final chapter (don't worry, no spoilers) - really?
review 2: This book was a little slow to s
... moretart. It was intriguing but slow. I really like Thorne but my favourite character had to be Helen. The story took off for me once Thorne discovers the background behind Amin's suicide. It then starts to get really interesting and I thought the ending was pretty satisfying as well. This is the first book I have read by Mark Billingham but will definitely read more by him in the future. less
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Fast paced and suspenseful, this is yet another fine instalment of the Thorne series.
ALso under the title of "Good as Dead"
Quite a page turner!
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