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Can We Save The Tiger?. Martin Jenkins (2012)

by Martin Jenkins(Favorite Author)
4.23 of 5 Votes: 4
1406332089 (ISBN13: 9781406332087)
Walker & Company
review 1: It isn't often that factual texts can be as accessible and pleasing to the eye as Martin Jenkins recent title 'can we save the tiger?'. The book fuses short choppy fact files with more in depth causal histories that explain why animals can become extinct and that it is within our power to stop these declines.Aimed at slightly older readers (between 9-12) the book has gorgeous illustrations that convey the importance and beauty of a variety of animals that have suffered due to human influence. The book shows animals that have been lost, those currently at risk and those who have been brought back from the brink. The end highlights the dramatic impact of climate change and how thousands of species are affected.This eye-catching eco-read gives a great opportunity for a sense ... moreof duty to be instilled into global caretakers of tomorrow. The prose, whilst easy to read, does not patronise or belittle the cause. The drawings are themed throughout in a style I liken to museum information boards and I found myself worrying for the future of these fantastic fauna.
review 2: This is a fascinating book. The art, alone, is worth it. A.ma.zing. Kids who "dig" scientific books about animals will especially enjoy them. I really like Jenkins' approach in this book: it's not a slam against people and all the bad things we do to the environment. Nonetheless, he shows some of the effects we've had on our surroundings. And the effects other animals have had on our surroundings. And how hard it is to make different decisions. How many factors are at work. A good discussion starter, to be sure.Bonus: the scientific names and basic habitat facts for each animal pictured are given. There are also further websites for exploration given in the endmatter as well as a short index. less
Reviews (see all)
Such an important topic that kids need to know about. Well-written with beautiful illustrations.
Beautifully illustrated books that tells what we are doing that harms wildlife around the world.
Informative and engaging. Gorgous illustrations! Important book!
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