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Sleep Like A Tiger (2012)

by Mary Logue(Favorite Author)
4.05 of 5 Votes: 3
0547641028 (ISBN13: 9780547641027)
HMH Books for Young Readers
review 1: I don't have any children of my own yet, but when I do, I have a feeling that bedtime won't be the most exciting thing in the world to them. Just as the main character in this book, bedtime is viewed by most children as the end to an adventurous day. That being said, who want's to end an adventurous day? With this book, any child can learn the great ideas in which one can go to sleep! Relating sleep to many animals, bedtime then becomes just as exciting as their day may have been. This book is great for a bedtime story, and even better, the pictures are so cool and fun to look at! This book can teach children the many different ways that they can sleep, which can make them excited for bedtime. It's a double win if you ask me. I highly recommend it!
review 2: Lo
... moregue, M. (2012). Sleep like a tiger. New York: Houghton MifflinCaldecott Honor Book- 2013Picture Book Soak This charming story about a little girl who didn't want to go to sleep, but soon realizes that even animals need to sleep truly caught my attention. This book focuses on grades K-3 and can be used as a tool with cross-curricular lessons such as science (animal habits), health (reason why our bodies need rest), and art (studying use of shapes). Each two page spread showed how a dog, cat, bat, whale, tiny snail, grizzly bear, and a tiger sleep. As the girl was positioning herself in bed to find just the right comfortable spot, the author compares the girl's different positions to the animals mentioned. One of the fun, interesting things about the illustrations was an orange circular ball creativity placed in almost every picture. Sometimes it was a sun, a balloon, sitting on a shelf, inside a whale's mouth, and inside a flower. It was fun searching each picture to find the orange circle and see how it was incorporated into the picture. Angular and curved shapes were the dominant visual element the illustrator used. Definitely a treasure to read through slowly taking time to check out all the detailed illustrations. less
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Fun pictures. A little girl 'accidentally' goes to bed and sleeps like a tiger.
Clever bedtime story with interesting illustrations.
Absolutely lovely illustrations.
Gorgeous illustrations!
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